How To Automate Your Workflow With Tools In 2022

How To Automate Your Workflow With Tools In 2022


7 min read

Workflow automation has become quite common these days. There was a time when only large and wealthy corporations could afford this luxury. But nowadays, it has become quite common as many startup companies and business users can afford these tools to take their venture to the next level.

There are lots of different ways you can automate your workflow. You can use various tools to auto-approve workflows, enable robust integration of your work with other services, utilize cloud storage and services, etc. However, the best way to achieve automation is by using low-code platforms.

Automating your workflow can significantly improve your organization's project management and employee onboarding processes. By streamlining manual processes, you can reduce the time and effort required to complete a sequence of steps in the onboarding workflow. This can greatly speed up the approval process and allow you to focus on more critical tasks.

There are various types of workflows, such as data entry and manual tasks, that can be automated to improve workflows and reduce repetitive tasks. Workflow management software can help automate these tasks and visualize the workflow in the form of a workflow diagram. This allows you to clearly see the flow of work, making it easier to identify areas for improvement and streamline processes.

By automating tasks, you can free up your employees' time to focus on higher-level tasks, improving efficiency and productivity. The ultimate goal of business process management is to streamline workflows, reduce manual effort, and increase overall organizational performance.

If you are completely new to this and looking for an effective way to automate your workflow, you have come to the right place. We will walk you through some efficient ways to automate your workflow. We will also discuss the ins and outs of the best low code tool of the current time, ILLA.

How To Automate Your Workflow?

As we have already discussed above, there are plenty of ways you can automate your business workflow. Adopting low-code solutions to build tools is one of many. Here are five ways you can automate your workflow:

1. Powerful Integration

If your workflow management system is unable to interact with other cloud-based services, it will be less effective. Integrating with other systems such as project and data management software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and file-sharing platforms — can guarantee that your operations run smoothly.

Automation tools provide the integration you need to operate your business seamlessly. CRM systems, file-sharing sites, data management, etc.—everything needs to be on the same page for effortless business management. By using workflow automation tools, you can make sure of that.

2. Automatic Approval Of Workflows

You’ve probably encountered bottlenecks in corporate operations. Without a suitable approval system, delayed approval will occur regardless of how efficiently you run your operations. It could be a late reimbursement check, lost time-off request, or something else.

By using an automated approval procedure, you will not only save time, and reduce irritation, but you will also improve productivity and save money. An automated approval system will also spare you the annoyance.

3. Remote Access

Digital transformation has reshaped various work habits and the way corporations function. Nowadays, remote work has been increasing in popularity. Workers prefer access to data and other relevant work tools. Many prefer to work from home.

Due to the nature of work models these days, workflow automation software should include mobility and collaboration features. This will allow users to take full advantage of this new work culture. You can make use of workflow automation platforms to allow remote access to various work-related data and information and also enable real-time sharing.

4. Cloud Storage

A robust cloud infrastructure relieves the user of various troublesome maintenance works. These maintenance works include but are not limited to server maintenance, Internet link acquisition, environment administration cost, maintenance, etc.

The initial expense is just the beginning. Maintenance and support bear a hefty cost that is sometimes disregarded throughout the buying process. Cloud computing can make changes to this scenario. Maintenance expenses are shared among all customers under the cloud model.

Proper cloud infrastructure is one of the key elements of automated workflow. You can adopt cloud-based data storage to minimize cost and streamline workflow.

5. Security And Authentication

You wouldn’t want to share all information with everyone involved in a specific process or workflow.

A smart workflow management technology provides extensive safeguards to guarantee that only authorized individuals with the appropriate responsibilities have access to the required information.

6. Low Code Platforms

Implementing technology in your work isn’t easy. There are a lot of technical aspects that most people, including your employees, won’t easily comprehend. Whether they are technically skilled or not, coping with a brand-new system isn’t a walk in the park.

Low code and no code platforms are here to solve that problem. You can use these platforms to develop internal tools for your business easily without any coding knowledge. Not only that, but your employees can also understand the nitty-gritty of these tools without having coding skills because they are made for general people, people with no coding skills. Low code development platforms are a great way to automate your workflow.

ILLA: The Best Low-code Platform For Workflow Automation

ILLA Cloud

In the world of low-code platforms, ILLA aims to bring about a revolution. There are countless low-code development tools available, but all with some limitations.

ILLA aims to eliminate all the downsides of those platforms and incorporate only user-friendly features to take the user experience to the next level. Here is what ILLA offers as a one-of-a-kind low-code platform for workflow automation:

Works With Javascript

We offer developers substantial choices when it comes to incorporating extra features using JavaScript. Developers can exchange ideas in real-time, get feedback, give opinions, and so on.

This considerably improves their operating capacity and outcome. We also utilize APIs to connect to required databases and associate actions with events.

PingCAP Collaboration

ILLA has joined forces with PingCAP’s TiDB. TiDB is an open-source NewSQL database. It is compatible with transactional and analytical processing, horizontal scalability, and MySQL.

This cooperation aims to make app development easier by providing a database that meets consistency, availability, scalability, and dependability. Nowadays, data is increasing at an exponential rate.

Organizations have to store the data on machines, and they are reaching their limit fast. TiDB’s architecture solves these problems by retaining transparency while remaining MySQL-compatible. Their Cloud also simplifies deployment and maintenance through the use of a cloud-based interface.

Significantly Lowers Costs

When it comes to cost management of internal tool development, ILLA is unrivaled. ILLA is open source, which is one of the many factors that contribute to it being the undisputed best low-code platform.

You can host any internal tool in the ILLA platform by yourself, thus saving you money on cloud hosting. Furthermore, ILLA is less expensive than any similar platform.

Abundant User Interface Library

Our UI library is one-of-a-kind. It’s jam-packed with components to fit the needs of every designer. We’ve also developed tools that enable developers to create easy data requests for massive volumes of data.

Such characteristics are essential for low-code systems. Our goal is to transform ideas into real creations. ILLA can connect to major databases to create a strong link between the front and back ends.

Dedicated To Developers

ILLA has hundreds of inserts in the ILLA Builder tool. The aim is to meet the needs of developers in different conditions. Features in the ILLA builder tool help developers increase productivity, decrease downtime and hasten progress.

We have designed ILLA in such a way that it can connect to common databases. Its seamless integration of the front end and back end enables developers to use simple data calls to perform complex information exchanges.


Developing internal tools from the ground up is beneficial, but as I have said, it’s a luxury only the top corporations can afford. This is where low-code platforms like ILLA come into play. You may be skeptical about this low code platform’s competence compared to creating from scratch, but rest assured it is equally capable.

ILLA can provide you with the same features without draining your bank account. Automating workflows can boost productivity beyond imagination, which is why low-code platforms have become essential these days for automated workflows. If you choose to use a low-code platform to build internal tools, you can always consider ILLA, the greatest low-code platform!

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