2022 ILLA Cloud Annual Report

2022 ILLA Cloud Annual Report


5 min read

Thank you for your trust and support for ILLA. 2022 is a very important year for ILLA. ILLA Cloud was established this year, and the ILLA Cloud product was launched in September. In the past three months, we have made some good progress.


In these three months, we have received 4.3k stars on GitHub and have repeatedly entered the GitHub trending TypeScript and overall rankings. While gaining recognition from many developers, we have also gained a group of loyal seed users who have helped us improve ILLA and improve the experience.

ILLA Cloud's Github Star History

On Hackernews, ILLA also ranked first in the weekly ranking in mid-November, attracting attention from overseas developers. The fact that ILLA can stand out from hundreds of product shares on HackerNews every day shows the recognition it has received. The popularity of ILLA has also made many programmers and companies abroad aware of the charm of low code.

ILLA Cloud ranked No.1 on Hacker News


We have also established a partnership with open-source data Pingcap, allowing our users to easily operate and use the Tidb database through a graphical interface. We have also partnered with many hot open-source projects and will be able to land more relevant partnerships next year.

ILLA Cloud partner with PingCap

Community and social media growth

With the increasing number of likes on GitHub, our community has also become more active. Twitter fans have increased from 9 people in the team to 416, and the Discord community has also completed the 0-1 build, with a small channel of 376 partners from the initial silence to now. In the future, we will better operate our community and make users feel more supported by the community.

Doc improvement and Blog release

To improve the user experience of ILLA, we have quickly improved product-related documents. We have improved the content of many documents at nodes where we often encounter problems such as deployment and use. In the next stage, we will provide more detailed explanations of the specific functions of ILLA. In the last two months of 2022, our team wrote 25 blogs and greatly improved the user documentation for ILLA, allowing users to solve problems and learn how to use ILLA in the shortest amount of time.

ILLA Cloud Doc improved

Multilingual support

In addition to Chinese and North American users, ILLA has also gained popularity among Japanese and Korean users. We ranked fifth in the Korean product sharing community and the proportion of Japanese users is steadily increasing. Therefore, we launched the Japanese and Korean versions of the product in December. Now, ILLA can support Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean languages more comprehensively.

Multilingual support of ILLA Cloud

Continuous improvement of functions

We have also developed many new features and connected to many databases and APIs in these three months. This allows our users to use ILLA Cloud more efficiently. This year, our team has developed 13 database connections and APIs. The databases include PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, TiDB, Redis, MongoDB, Elastic Search, Supabase, and ClickHouse. The APIs include REST API, Amazon S3, Firebase, GraphQL, and SMTP. In addition, we have developed many new features, such as:

  • Page and View for building single-page and multi-page applications in ILLA Builder

  • Frame size that can adjust the page size to fit all devices

  • CodeMirror with syntax highlighting and autocomplete for editing JavaScript, SQL, etc.

We also built 27 front-end components, such as tables, charts, lists, etc. These components can be used to build most of the internal websites.

  1. Input components:

    1. Text input: An input field to enter a single line of text.

    2. Number input: An input field to enter a number, percentage, or currency.

    3. Editable text: A click-to-edit input field to enter a single line of text.

  2. Select components:

    1. Select: A combination select and input field to select a value or directly entered as text.

    2. Radio group: A group of radio buttons to select a single value.

    3. Checkbox group: A group of checkboxes to toggle boolean values.

    4. Cascader: A combination of select and input fields to choose a set of values from a multi-level tree.

    5. Switch: A switch to toggle a boolean value.

  3. Calendar input

    1. Date picker: A combination select and input field to select a date from a popup or directly enter it as text.

    2. Date Range

    3. Date time picker

  4. Data

    1. Chart: A chart to visualize data.

    2. Table: A table of data that can be sorted, filtered, paginated, and downloaded in CSV format. It supports row selection, pagination, and custom columns.

  5. Presentation

    1. Text: A text box to display plain text or Markdown.

    2. Image: To load an image from a URL.

    3. Button: A button to trigger action and other components.

    4. List: A list that renders each item from an array of data using a custom-built row of components.

    5. Rate: For displaying or submitting ratings

    6. Bar process: Progress bar to show the progress

    7. Circle process: Round the progress bar to show the progress

    8. Timeline: A vertical list to display events.

    9. Radio button: A group of radio buttons to select a single value.

    10. Divider: A dividing line to separate content.

    11. Tabs: A set of tabs to choose from a list of options.

    12. Menu: A menu to trigger actions, and open other pages or views.

    13. Container: Group components in a card

    14. Form: Group input fields in a form and submit them together

Overall, we have performed exceptionally well in the past three months. We are confident that we will continue to maintain this positive trend and strive to provide even better service to our customers in the coming days. We believe that by consistently delivering high-quality and reliable service, we will be able to satisfy the needs and expectations of our users and continue to grow and thrive as a company.

ILLA Annual Report 2022

You can check ILLA’s website here at: illacloud.com

GitHub page: github.com/illacloud/illa-builder

Join Discord community: discord.com/invite/illacloud